
I began taking pictures, with a Brownie camera, as a teenager in The Bronx in 1963 and have been shooting ever since. I would leave my basement apartment, camera in hand, and head out on the Downtown Lexington Avenue train to different parts of the City. I would take pictures on subway stations, City streets from Chinatown to Harlem and everything in between including Greenwich Village, Central Park, Fifth Avenue, Soho, Chelsea, the Upper West Side and wherever I found myself walking.

I never set out to take a particular picture. Every shot I have ever taken has been a moment that called out to me. A story in a single frame. Nothing more and nothing less. A fleeting image captured forever with a click of my shutter. One second earlier or one second later and the picture wouldn’t exist. My photographs, below, are some of those special moments. “My Ladies Who Lunch”, “Two Old Friends” and “Peace Man” are my earliest pictures and remain among my favorites. I am also a printmaker and a publisher.



For pricing on all other prints, please contact Gary Michaels [email protected]